Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]
Acoustic Bass
Cajon Drum
Electric Guitar (muted]
While ev-ery-bo-dy else- is get-tin out-a bed- I'm u-su-ly get-tin' in it I'm not in it to win it And there's a thou-sand ways you can spin it My feet have been on the flo-or flat like an i-dol sing-er re-mem-ber wing-er I di-gress I con-fess you are the best thing in my live But I'm a-fraid- when I hear stor-ies bout husband and wife -there's no hap-py end-ing no Hen-ry Lee But you are the great-est thing a-bout me If it's love and we de-ci-de that it's for-e-ver no one e-lse could to it bet-ter If it's love